Publishing consultancy, mentoring and coaching for authors
PIA is committed to help authors and publishers produce better books. If you are considering taking the self-publishing route – talk with us. With a diverse and talented range of freelance editors, packagers and designers to work with you to develop your proposal, manuscript or finished book, we can help navigate you through the maze of self-publishing to ensure you get what you want.
Our publishing consultancy covers all services to authors, including writing coaching, and editing and marketing support for your work. We take authors at all stages of their development, allowing writers to choose which service they require at a particular time.
Concept development and review
We will work with you to develop a book concept or if you simply want feedback on the viability of your project – we can do that too in a low-cost and effective manner.
We help authors review publishing contracts, offering suggestions for improving terms, adding important clauses, and help to ensure the final agreement.
Author platform
This includes developing a comprehensive strategy for branding, website and e-newsletter development, speaking engagements, media, social networking etc.